
编辑 灵感

霍比特人on is located smack in the middle of the North Island; about one hour north of Rotorua...

We chose well for our final week on the Biggest, Baddest Bucket List trip: the North Island of 新西兰.  有那么多东西要看, we focused on the three principal cities and crammed our week with as many activities as we could fit!


We started down in , which rightly calls itself the coolest little capital in the world.  被自然所包围,却又十分现代, 惠灵顿很美, 世界性的, 徒步探索也很有趣, 乘船或乘坐标志性的红色缆车.

我们这一周的基地是海滨 博物馆酒店, an ultra-chic boutique hotel whose lobby resembles an art gallery full of paintings, 雕塑, 还有街头艺术.  我们的房间和这座城市一样舒适、时尚!

我们径直驶向皇后码头,在那里登上了 Megisti航行 catamaran and set sail for a sunset champagne cruise around Wellington Harbor and 东方湾.  从 the water it's easy to grasp what makes Wellington so appealing: small clusters of stately homes rising from the shores up the wooded valleys above.

回到岸上,我们通过 历史悠久的缆车,然后穿过巨大的 植物园 包裹着CBD.  然后我们乘快速班车去 Zealandia, a nature reserve centered on one of the city's old water reserves which aims to slowly restore the rarest indigenous flora and fauna in 新西兰.


惠灵顿也是韦利伍德的所在地, the Kiwi film industry that has been given a boost with the success of Peter Jackson's 《bet9注册口》 《bet9注册登录》系列和《bet9注册登录》等等. 的 维塔洞穴 studios where Jackson created the films stunning special affects offers tours called the Window into the Workshop, 它向我们展示了从设计奥克的服装到背后的CGI的一切 《bet9注册口》.

亚历克斯是这个乐队的终身粉丝 《bet9注册口》霍比特人, so really our visit to the 维塔洞穴 just whetted his appetite to 海rch out some of the film locations from the movies, 从最贴近他内心的那个开始 霍比特人on这部电影以霍比特人神话般的故乡夏尔为背景.

霍比特人on is located smack in the middle of the North Island; about one hour north of Rotorua, 但它看起来像是在托尔金的中土世界. 电影中有44个霍比特人的家, 花园, 一个湖, 还有青龙旅馆, 哪家有正宗的啤酒和波特酒.  在我们最喜欢的霍比特人家门前拍完照之后, 我们在酒吧里喝了一品脱酒,把夏尔从我们的遗愿清单上划掉了. 


事实上,新西兰并不是霍比特人的故乡.  但附近的罗托鲁瓦是 毛利人的中心地带我们的行程开始于参观 Tamaki毛利人村庄这里重现了前欧洲毛利人的聚居地.  通过歌曲, 跳舞, and ceremony we learned about the core aspects of 新西兰's Polynesian heritage before sitting down to a traditional feast.

Rotorua is also popular for its geothermal activity, which we experienced at the 外澳打地热仙境, a natural park of lush ferns and indigenous bush punctuated with spewing geysers, 冒泡的泥池和冒着蒸汽的硫磺云.  的 variegated mineral of the aptly-named Artist's  Palette made for great photography, but we knew we couldn't fully experience Rotorua's geothermal activity until we'd taken a dip in a geothermal pool.

我们第一次在旅馆里游泳 四舟旅舍那里有自己的游泳池.  但是, 波利尼西亚温泉 经过六个月的旅行,这里被证明是浸泡骨骼的理想地点.  我们在他们的湖边泳池里热身,从36度跳下 高达40摄氏度 before moving to our own private spa to watch the clouds move over Lake Rotorua in total peace.


我们参观的第三个城市是 , 是新西兰最大的城市,也是该国的商业中心.  大, 现代, 在亚热带气候下,横跨美丽的海湾, 奥克兰是开始或结束你在新西兰时光的好地方.

对我们来说,最精彩的是和 探索集团 并尝试在真正的美洲杯帆船赛上驾驶帆船.  帆船大奖赛是真正的交易, and it was great fun tacking against the wind racing our sister ship through Auckland's harbor.  赢得比赛是一项令人难忘的遗愿清单活动的额外奖励.

接下来,我们进行了象征性的新西兰肾上腺素体验,登上了192米的山峰 SkyTower 系上安全带,从上层甲板跳下!  的 SkyJump was an 11-second descent to street level controlled by safety cords on either side, 让它看起来像是低空跳跃和蹦极的结合, 但比两者都更有控制力.  在经历了六个月从不必要的大平台上跳下来之后, 我们在空中疾驰而过,几乎没有发出恐怖的尖叫. 

最后,我们登上了神圣的毛利人的土地 Maungawhau(太. 伊甸园(英文)在那里,我们遇到了一位导游 玉城丹尼Hikoi, a descendant of the Maori chiefs who founded the city hundreds of years ago.  在我们走之前, 我们继续进行毛利人的欢迎仪式, 他们把自己的祖先介绍给了我们, 为我们唱了一首欢迎之歌, 和n pressed their foreheads and noses to ours to share a breath of life.  目睹毛利人习俗的神圣性是非常感人的, and we proceeded up the hill listening to stories about the foundation of the city, 毛利人和欧洲人之间的战争, 以及双文化共存的现状.

当我们结束仪式时, 酋长承认了我哥哥和我的新西兰血统, 这是我父亲和他父亲的土地.  He told us this was our home as well as his, and that we walk comfortably on two lands. 

经过六个月的旅行, 我和哥哥默默地站在山上, 享受这一刻,感谢我们在这段旅程中走了多远.  这是这次旅行的终点, 这是我们与朋友和家人团聚的日子, 但我们知道,回到家后,我们会变了一个人. 

在拍摄 BBBTV 我们见过世界, 我们活得很充实, pushed our own boundaries on a daily basis and expanded our own sense of the possible.  我们在遗愿清单上取得了重大进展.  But deep down, I knew the trip wasn't over, that we'd never reach the end of our bucket list.  在内心深处,我知道冒险才刚刚开始.